Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Noah's 2nd Birthday

We had a good time celebrating Noah's 2nd birthday.  After opening presents in the morning, we headed to Seattle Gymnastics Academy for his party.  Everyone had a great time tumbling, jumping, swinging and showing off their gymnast skills.  It was very impressive.  Most important, Noah and friends had a lot of fun.

We are so proud and loving of our Noahbear.  He is an absolute joy.  Happy Birthday little buddy!

Noah opening up some presents

Noah testing out his new car garage that Aunt Melissa handmade for him!  He loves his new cars and carrier.

Cole watched patiently and was a very good big brother.  Nana and Kate also let Noah play with his toys and didn't interrupt!

Then it was off to the gym!  Cole and Noah stated out with some dancing with Jinna.

Cole became quite the dare devil on the foam pit, jumping in from wherever he could.

Party pics!

Noah wasn't quite sure what to make of all the attention

But having Aunt Kate there helped.

Cake drunk!

Big kids club.

And marking the occasion.  Happy Birthday Noahbear!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Max's Day

We miss our Max every minute of every day.  So the weekend of Noah and Max's birthday, we took Saturday to honor Max and Sunday for Noah, to make sure we got time to cherish Max.

Max got a special gathering, where friends and family that have missed him as dearly as we have and supported us through his absence, met to honor him.  We grouped up at our house and then walked to Green Lake park where a tree has been planted in his name.  This tree was just recently planted, coordinated by friends and a wonderful surprise to us, so the timing was perfect.  When we got to his tree, we released balloons to the heavens that had special messages to our little guy.  The weather held out just long enough for us to make it down and back to the house.

It was a beautiful day and one that will never be forgotten.  We truly appreciate everyone that supports our family through all means and are blessed to have such great friends and family.

Here are some photos taken by Papa Reed of our trip to Max's tree:

After a long parade, we made it to Max's tree, shared some words for Max and for our friends and family and sent his balloons off to him

Then we headed back home for some cupcakes

Here's a photo of Max's tree's first bloom, courtesy of a friend.  It is a Cornus Nuttallii, or Pacific Dogwood to the layman.

And for anyone wanting to go pay a visit, you can find his tree at the location below.  The tag will be gone soon, but it is the only young tree in the area.

Catching Up!

Seems like we are always trying to catch up!  But that is okay.  We haven't been too good about taking photos these days, so hopefully that improves!

Cole and Noah have been busy this winter and early spring with soccer lessons during the week and finding ways to torment each other when they are in the same space, as good brothers do.  They do get along pretty well for toddler boys under the same roof, but there is the regular spat over toys, tools, and the occasional smashing of eachother's magnetile houses.

We headed to Suncadia a couple of times in January / February.  Found this heard of 40 elk in the backyard one winter afternoon!

Getting ready to go for a ride in the car (box).

Back in the car

Daddy teaching the boys manhood at an early age.  Baking.

Noah and mama doing some belly comparisons

Noah the shaggy bear.  He was rocking a great mullet for a while, but mama finally gave in and took him to the barber before his 2nd birthday.

"Take a picture of me!"

Easter egg hunt with friends from the neighborhood.  There were about 20 children, so the take was slim for the Hadley boys.  Especially after dad got to pick through the baskets.

Not a lot great egg hiding spots in this field

Checking out his plunder

** Cole did wash his hands before eating any candy **

Family photo opp

Easter egg hunting, round 2, in the Spinrad's backyard

Cade was very helpful routing Noah on.

Cole trying to find the very last egg

Noah, as it turns out, is not the best at mowing lawns.  Give it another year though...

We have been spending a lot of weekends at Seattle Gymnastics where the boys get to run, jump, bounce and tumble.  It is a great place to get some energy out.

Here's Noah getting ready to run down the trampoline

And he's off!

And pancaked...

Cole is busy getting some air on the trampoline

And straddling the bars

And walking on the balance beam!

In other news, Cole and Noah are now roomies!  Cole's room has been turned into a sleeping porch.  With this comes a whole new set of challenges.  But they are loving sleeping in the same room... most of the time.

Here's one of Cole's magnetile towers.  He's become quite the hotel and restaurant constructor!

Noah getting in one last play before bedtime

And being too cool for school, as usual.