Wednesday, August 31, 2011

24 weeks

16 weeks and counting!  Well, in theory anyway :)  I apologize in advance for all the spandex, I've been trying to work out on a daily basis and pretty much live in spandex after work...  

 (please keep in mind we just ate a huge bbq dinner! hence why I look about 2 months farther along than I did last week!)

A couple fun facts about the 24th week:
Little Man weighs an estimated 1 1/4 lbs.
He's roughly 1 foot from crown to toe.

Our New Family Pet!

Drew and I are happy to introduce our new family pet, Stumbly!  Well, to be honest, I think Drew is more excited than I am.  As everyone knows, I'm not really the biggest fan of hunting, yet alone mounting dead animals on your wall!  But, I have to admit, Stumbly certainly does go with the theme of our cabin...

Our weekend in Suncadia was overall quite relaxing.  Of course Drew was able to get some work in...  Here he is working on maintaining the trees he and Mike recently transplanted from the nearby woods.  

And, here are the boys holding their posts wondering what in the world Drew is doing... Helpful hint, if you ever can't find Steve & Wilson when you're in Suncadia - just look out on the back porch - 9 times out of 10 this is where you'll find them.

It's been a pretty long week thus far in the Hadley House - Steve and Wilson both seemed to catch a bug over the weekend.  Steve was so ill Drew actually had to take him to the Pet ER on Monday night : (  Drew had the pleasure of spending about 3 hours there waiting for them to diagnose Steve (I'm thinking we can consider this good preparation for actual fatherhood!).  Overall it appears their treatment of injecting Steve with water to compensate for his dehydration from throwing up so much did the trick.  He's close to being back to his normal self.

I love these pics. - even when they're sick and miserable they can't be away from each other : ) 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nursery: Phase 1

This last weekend Pam & Reed came up to Seattle to help us get a bit more organized in life and work on the nursery.  Fortunately, we had a bit of downtime to relax and catch up, too. 

Here's Drew on Friday night working to get the nursery primed. I have to admit the smell of the primer was not very appealing to me - I let Drew tackle this project all on his own.

On Saturday morning, Pam & I got to work on actually painting the walls.  Pam was as precise as ever with her trim work while I got to be a little more haphazard with the large roller.  While Pam & I worked on painting the nursery, Drew and Reed worked on the basement stairs project that has been pending for the last 2 years!  Now all we need to do is paint the trim on the stairs and that project should be complete as well (anyone want to put an over/under bet on how long it takes until that gets done?!).

The new 4 in 1 crib - should last Little Man from birth through elementary school (so long as either he, or Steve & Wilson, don't do too much damage between now and then).

After a long day of slaving away, Reed and Drew took on a whole new project - smoking beer can chickens.  Don't ask, I have no idea...all I know is that dinner was incredible!  It was definitely exactly what we all needed after working so hard all day long : )

We not only had a very productive weekend, but a great time as well!  A huge thanks to Pam & Reed for helping us get a bit more prepared for Little Man's arrival! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

23 weeks!

Here is an updated side profile of the beautiful soon-to-be-mother.  Went for a walk/run around Green Lake tonight to take advantage of the finally nice weather.  We're off to the cabin this weekend for some relaxation and putting a few more items in.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Little Man

With the anticipated arrival of Little Man (he who will be named at a later date), we realized it might be time to start a family blog of our own.  While Melissa & Jason are inspirations to us both, we do not anticipate posting quite as frequently as they do : )  This will just be a quick place for us to note any progress we've made on the house, the pregnancy, the cabin, new jobs, etc., etc.!