Not only was today my first whole day alone with Cole (Drew was home with me the first two weeks, Mom/Nana was here for the last three weeks), but Cole also had his 2 month well baby appointment this morning at 10:30. I am proud to say Cole and I somehow managed to actually make it to the doctor on time (and yes, I was able to shower and actually feed myself breakfast before we got out the door!).
In addition to the standard immunizations babies receive at their 2 month appointment, Cole also received his second round of synagis, the active antibody given to qualifying babies to prevent RSV. Learning a trick of the trade from the nurses at the NICU, I went to the appointment armed with sucrose water to try and ease Cole's pain. Unfortunately, the 4 separate shots seemed to be a bit too much for the sucrose to handle.
Today was the day Cole cried for the first time - not just the wailing of an infant, but literal tears rolling down his cheeks - it 100%, without a doubt broke my heart to have to sit there waiting for the shots to be over. The good news is, as soon as I picked him up he instantly stopped crying and soon enough fell asleep in my arms. He's been asleep pretty much the remainder of the day but is even more adamant than usual about not being put down - I did not get a single other thing accomplished today besides holding Cole and giving him comfort whenever he woke up crying. But, so is the life of a mom, right? I'm pretty comfortable knowing that I can always tackle my chores tomorrow, today was a day simply to give Cole love : )
Here are the quick stats from today's appointment:
Height: 20 1/4 inches (< 2nd percentile)
Weight: 9 pounds 9 ounces (< 2nd percentile)
Head circumference: 38 1/4 centimeters (10th percentile) [there's definitely no denying Cole is Drew's son ; )]