Wednesday, May 22, 2013

1 week down and alive

Well, contrary to most people's bets, we are still alive and sane after a week home with the boys.  Its really only due to the fact that we've had plenty of help from friends and family, but we'll take it!  The week did start off on the wrong foot with Emily recovering from a nasty cold when the boys came home and me catching it on day one.  Luckily we had super Nana (Cindy) to help us with a quick recovery and pick up the slack.  By the weekend we were back in form.

We've even managed to get a little sleep and finish off some decorations in the boys' room.  But mostly we've just been enjoying getting to know Noah and Max better.  They are pretty good little guys!

Here are a few photos that we've snapped so far.

Hanging out in the bassinets (Noah on the left, Max on the right)

Grandma Pam showed up on Sunday and has been a big help as well!  This picture doesn't do justice to the work she has done :)

The boys

Uncle Norm and Cousin Kelsey stopped through Seattle on their way home from the end of Kelsey's school year.  Noah was particularly happy with a pronounced fist in the air.

Noah, with a very peculiar raised eyebrow.  Not sure what he spied, but something certainly got him thinking.

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