I was told Rotterdam would be a good place to visit and its only 30 minutes by train, so we decided to give it a go. The city is quite different than the rest of the Netherlands because so much of it was destroyed in WWII. There was hardly any old architecture to speak of and the pictures below show it as much more of a modern city.
After a comedy of errors (missing train, cancelled train, failed bartering with taxis over 5 euro savings and subsequent 45 minute walk) we made it to the promised land of the Euromast. As you can see, it is pretty much nightfall at this point, but we spent the fee to go up a glorified Space Needle. The view was great, but we had no idea what we were looking at.
By the time we made it down, we had enough time for another 45 minute walk back to the train station and a single beer pit stop downtown. It truly was a trip to "check one off the list." Oh well, it was an adventure, if nothing else. Below are some photos from the Euromast.