Sunday, July 22, 2012

9 months and counting!

Saturday was a big day for Cole as we marked 3/4 of a year for the little man.  His last month has been filled with happenings.  He's been learning a lot from his friends at day care, but also catching some illnesses.  Thankfully, its been not much more than a stomach bug and cold, but still, nothing we want him going through regularly!  He's learned to sit up on his and he can definitely get where he wants to go with a pretty strong army crawl.  We'll be needing to baby proof the house here pretty quick!

How old am I today???

 Hanging with my pal, the giraffe
 Wait, you put the card back, I must have it!
This one pretty much sums up how Cole goes about life these days.  He pretty much does what he wants to do, which is great.
More evidence pointing to the last statement.  This was during a feeding, he decided the spoon looked like a great toy
 Pretending to feed himself, but we were lacking in actually food on the spoon
You talking to me?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hadley mini-reunion

We headed to Longview for the last weekend in June for a long overdue visit (it had been a year at least) and Cole's first time to meet lots of family, including Great-grandma Dee!  We have lots of family visiting that weekend including Cole's great aunts and uncles (Dick, Kathy, Mike & Janie), some first-cousins-once-removed (Regan, Amy, Craig, Sara, Susie and Jacob) and a whole bunch of second cousins (Truett, Chloe, Brynn, Cy, and Asher)!  Hope I didn't misspell any of those names :)

There was a gathering at Dee's place where we had pizza and cake to celebrate all of the young ones.  Not sure how Cole's name made it on the cake though!

 Here's the little man with his Great-Grandma.  It was fun to see them meet for the first time.
 Family shot (mostly the Myers in this photo)
 Emily with Sara, Asher and Grandma Pam
 Dick, Regan, with Amy and Cy in the background

 Below is Chloe contemplating her next bite!
 Truett hated the cake.
 Dual dance party and karaoke by Great Aunt Janie
 Great to see you Great Grandma Dee!  We'll be back soon!
Back at the ranch, we got to spend a lot of time on the floor which is always fun
 Dinner time!  Probably some delicious green beans or prunes.  MMMMM.
 Go Cougs!  Pretty sure the look of bewilderment is due to the sweat band from this 10 year old hat.  Not the fact that it is a Coug hat.
 Grandma's chair!
 Sleepy time.  Must have been a shortage of oxygen in this area as we have 3 tired beings!

Thanks to everyone for making the effort to make it to the reunion!  Hope to do it again soon.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


This weekend we headed out to the cabin to try and enjoy some peace and quiet.  It was our first official weekend of summer here in the Seattle area.  The saying around here is the first day of summer is July 5th, this year the saying seemed to hold true.  Here are some shots of Cole enjoying the shade at the pool.

Evidence in support of my theory that Cole is definitely starting to teeth - extremely chapped cheeks from all the drool and his constant companion Sophie

In case the pictures don't make it obvious, Cole is now sitting on his own,unassisted!  I wish I had the exact date written down, but it started sometime in the last couple weeks.  He has also figured out how to get from point A to point B.  We aren't at full blown crawling yet, but he seems to have the army crawl down pat!  Each day we are surprised by Cole's accomplishments - he is a true wonder child :)

I'm hoping we'll have some time in the next couple days to post pictures of the Hadley family reunion from last weekend in Longview.  While Cole was unbelievably sick, he still managed to win the hearts of his extended family... 

Happy 4th of July (albeit a bit late!)

We had a pretty quiet holiday around here.  Cole has been sick since starting daycare (which is exactly what we were expecting, just not to this extent!).  We decided it would be best to stay home and all get a good night's rest instead of partaking in any festivities.  That being said, Cole had his chance to celebrate a bit in advance by painting the American Flag in class.  I was fortunate enough to be visiting during my lunch break to see his masterpiece getting created and had the opportunity to snap a couple photos on my phone.  As Aunt Kate said, his art is "very abstract and modern.  He's a genius, clearly."  I couldn't have said it better myself :)