Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Huntin'

With Mom still hospital bound, she insisted the boys go out and find some Easter eggs.  He went to the parks department sponsored hunt this morning and had a great time.

Warming up with a little pre-egghunt slide

What the heck is thing thing?  Doesn't look like the easter baskets I know!


Aha!  Its a hat.

Where's the eggs?!?!

A friendly man helped Cole get his first piece of candy.  It would prove to be his only.

This was a hunt for children under 3.  I think there were more adults on the court than children.

Score.  A piece of cheese.

That's all I wanted.  Hunt over!

Like I said, "kids" easter egg hunt.

We opted to depart from the madness and play with the hat a little more.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hospital Fun

While Mom is away, Mr. Mom is doing his best to not screw things up too bad.  Actually, it's pretty easy with the help of Nana in town.  However, not all things can be saved by Nana.  I did forget to bring the diaper bag to the hospital when we visited, opting to just pack a single diaper instead.  Of course, Cole decided to have a massive blowout and left nothing clean but socks and a jacket.  Needless to say we got a few looks on our way out of the hospital.  Cole was not accused of being a flasher though.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Growing Boys

Yesterday we had an ultrasound for the twins and the boys continue to amaze Drew and I - Baby A is measuring at 3 lbs 5 ozs. and Baby B is measuring at 3 lbs. 7 ozs. (yes, that means both boys at 30 weeks are already bigger than Cole was when he was born at 31 weeks (3 lbs. 3 ozs.)).  And yes, that means I am HUGE!  But I am huge in a fabulous way so I cannot complain - our boys are growing bigger and stronger every day and that means Drew and I are doing something right!

Back on February 15th I went on bed rest at home on the orders of our doctor in hopes that we could prevent any long term hospitalization to avoid preterm labor.  While bed rest at home was difficult, the days did seem to go by relatively quickly.  My office has been extremely supportive throughout this long, difficult journey and they were supportive of the idea of me working remotely.  Continuing to work from 6:30 - 3 in bed, a daily nap from 3 until Cole got home from class, finally emerging downstairs to have dinner and watch Cole play, and then giving Cole his last bottle of the day was a wonderful routine that somehow got me through the long days.  

Sadly, all our efforts of avoiding hospitalization weren't enough.  Last Tuesday, 3/12, while I was at a routine follow up with Dr. Walker I showed significant signs of preterm labor during my ultrasound (including having 8 very strong contractions in 40 minutes).  We are extremely fortunate I was where I was when all this started.  Dr. Walker was able to give me a muscle relaxer shot that immediately slowed down my contractions.  Within an hour I had been admitted to the hospital for more long term medications and close monitoring.  While we were hopeful that I would be able to go home after a week long stay, the doctors have decided it is in the best interest of the boys' and my health for us to stay here for the duration of the pregnancy.  

To be honest, being away from Cole has made this the hardest week of my life.  While Mom & Drew are going above and beyond to make sure I see him on a very regular basis - it is definitely not fair to ask a 17 month old to visit his mom in the hospital for any extended periods of time.  There are way too many cords to pull and buttons to push - the most enticing things ever for Cole - and unfortunately completely off limits : (  I think the hardest part is when he just wants to be picked up and sit in bed with me - we're on 24/7 monitoring for the babies heartbeats and my contractions so I've got monitors constantly hooked up.  Definitely not conducive to cuddling with my Little Man.

While the last couple weeks of bed rest, whether at home or in the hospital, have been extremely challenging I just keep telling myself we are doing what is absolutely best for the twins.  And in the full spectrum of life, this is such a short amount of time that we can sacrifice for the overall future health of our baby boys.  My new mantra is "each day these munchkins stay put translates to 2 less days the boys will need to be in the NICU" - that alone is enough to keep me in this bed indefinitely.  

The great news is, with the help of a lot of medications, and the forced bed rest, we seem to be succeeding at holding true labor at bay.  Dr. Walker is extremely confident that we're going to make it to 32 weeks (just 2 weeks from now) and still optimistic that we can make it to 34.  But like we said, we're taking it one day at a time and saying our thanks for each day we can cross off our list.  And of course, we are exceptionally grateful for all the efforts of our doctors and nurses to keep this pregnancy going as long as possible - they're obviously doing their jobs very well.

I apologize for the long winded post (and not even a single picture!) but we wanted to make sure everyone was aware of our current status.  All our best to everyone and we will try to do a better job of posting updates and pictures :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

3 months of pictures

Contrary to popular belief, we have been taking some photos.  Lots.  But in the interest of website reduction, I'll try to keep to the highlights. 

Here are the youngest boys (negative 10 weeks old).  We had a good check up today and things continue to look stable.  Great news!

Sleepy boy!
Stuffed shells sent by Grandma Pam.  Yum! 
 Christmas in Longview.  Yes, that is a poop face.  No, he didn't learn it by watching his father
 Learning to walk.  PJ's courtesy of Patsy and Jen.  Thank you!
Naptime with Grandma Pam
Sledding in Suncadia.  
 Grandpa Jensen stopped by with his basketball team.  And they won that night after a spaghetti feed.
 Garrett and Lauren, Cole's favorite neighbors.
 I don't trust this food.
 New favorite hobby is rearranging the kitchen.  We're too lazy to baby proof the house, so its just dealt with
Nature!  Goulet
 Carrying is preferred in the woods.
 Such a ham.
 Peek a boo is definitely the game of choice these days.