Sunday, November 25, 2012

Celebrating Fall

This post has been a long time coming....  Things have been pretty hectic around here so we're going to try and do a quick, catch up post...
Daycare had the infants dress up as a pumpkin to get them into the fall spirit - Cole did not like being a pumpkin :(
The good news is, Cole snapped out of his bad mood as soon as we put some paint in front of him  - here he is preparing to paint his gourd.

Our little Tigger : )  Unfortunately, Cole was sent home on Halloween with a 102 degree fever.  We did not quite have the Halloween celebration we were anticipating.  

The angriest I have ever seen Cole :(
Cole loving his birthday gift from Aunt Melissa, Uncle Jason and cousins Jack & Maggie.  He absolutely loves this car !
Happiest pre-surgery baby ever!  You never would have known Cole hadn't had anything to eat or drink for 8 waking hours prior to this photo : )
We're hoping Grandpa Reed will be sending us some photos from Thanksgiving soon so we can do another post - Drew and I seemed to have forgotten that taking pictures is a necessity when you're trying keep out of town family updated on your lives!