Monday, March 5, 2012

Growing Boy!

As Drew mentioned in yesterday's post, today was my first day back at work.  I am extremely grateful to say the fear/anticipation of going back was much worse than the actual reality of it.  I slept maybe 3 hours total last night worrying about how I was possibly going to say goodbye to him this morning.  Fortunately my day at work flew by thanks to my wonderful bosses and coworkers!  My bosses treated our office to our go-to favorite thai food as a belated birthday celebration.  While being back at work and having an adult conversation mid-afternoon was definitely nice, I must say the highlight of my day was walking in the door and Cole giving me a huge smile...

And of course, my first day at work meant Nana's first day at home with Cole.  Mom was fabulous!  I can definitely rest easy knowing that Cole is in the very best of hands with Mom - she even delayed her first cup of coffee for the day until around noon...when Cole finally decided he would take a nap so she could have breakfast/lunch and slam a cup of cold coffee I made her at 4:45am : (  Both Drew and I agree, we're not sure what we would have done if Mom hadn't been willing to move in with us for the next couple months.  We will forever be indebted to her! 

After work Cole had his 4 month well-baby checkup as well as his 4th synagis shot (long story short, and as no surprise, Cole expressed his hatred of the shots by sobbing on the exam table - definitely does not get any easier for me or Cole as each month passes).  On the bright side though, Cole got another rave review from his pediatrician.  He continues to grow like a weed and is progressing wonderfully in so far as smiling, cooing, reaching for toys, etc.  As always, we are going to sleep tonight unbelievably proud of him.

Here are the numbers from today's appointment:
Height: 23 1/4 inches (< 2nd percentile)
Weight: 12 pounds 9 ounces (5th percentile)
Head circumference: 41 1/4 centimeters (50th percentile) [for those of you keeping track, back on Cole's 2 month well-baby appointment, he was in the 10th percentile in this category - Drew made the nurse remeasure just to be sure!  Sure enough, he has got a huge noggin ; )]

Here's Cole sleeping after his appointment - apparently his monkey is better able to console him than we are!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it through the day, we were thinking about you! Thank God for Nana!
