Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Last few days at the hospital

The last few days at the hospital were full of stress and excitement as we checked off everything that needed to occur before we left.  From car seat testing to scheduling pediatrician appointments, there is a full regimen of activities.  The final days we were watching Noah and Max's vitals to make sure neither had an episode of a reduced heart rate.  There is a 5 day period that they must have no episodes before they can be released.  That milestone was reached on Tuesday!

Here are some pictures of our final days at the hospital

Noah trying to figure out what's going on

Max, likely making some funny sounds

Here's the carseat test.  90 minutes of hanging out in these chairs.  Joy.

Noah striking a pose on his final morning.

And Max showing off his chins. He's worked hard on those!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Cole is trying interesting ways to crush his crackers with the new egg slicer.  He also combined oranges with crackers.  Not delicious.

He does love his frozen booberries though!

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