Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week in review

It was a busy week last week with Emily's birthday celebration and other happenings.  Cindy came up to babysit while Emily was out responsibly enjoying her 30th birthday.  We also got a visit from my Cousin Kim who popped by to meet Cole and leave some great gifts!

Cole continues to make good progress on gaining weight and giving us more smiles.  He's also spending a lot more time in his crib and has had a few nights of staying in all night.  Emily posted a bunch of flashcard / pictures on the crib walls and those keep Cole quite entertained!

Thanks to Jon and Nicole for Cole's great Valentine's Day clothes (bulldogs on hearts)

1 comment:

  1. How did they find bulldogs on hearts!?! So cute! The pic of him in the stripes is breaking my heart, stop it with the lip Cole man!!
